Questions for the President; Intelligent Only Please

Tech-A-Break would like to post a disclaimer and apology.  WARNING; this post is not happy! If I sound angry and disgusted in this post, it is because I am.  Many decisions and people are culpable for the current global economic mess, but fixing it will require commitment, intelligence and moral balance from everyone.  I see none of these attributes in the public from current postings on the Internet.

After reading some of the questions for the President posed on, I am convinced that many Americans walk around with their heads in a paper bag (or perhaps up their rectum).  Why would you spend valuable time asking the President if he is planning to run for office again when his re-election campaign has been in effect for over a year?  Why would you ask him why he won’t tax the top 10% of the population when he has been in the press for weeks being blasted for his “Buffett Tax” proposal?  Yes, these and other ignorant questions are being proposed to the President today.  It is clear that many responded to the opportunity to question our highest official with bigitory, ignorance and hatred.  Others were just stupid.

If you consider yourself qualified to question elected officials check first to see if you
1)voted and 2)bothered to educate yourself on the issues being discussed.

Clearly a large group does neither of these things, they simply log on to the Internet and spout out garbage from their personal bias with no real concern for the actual problems facing Americans.  Fair paying jobs to raise families.  Access to health care, affordable mortgages and cars.  Food and education for children.

No one should give a rat’s tush why the President has not visited Kenya.  If he wants to visit his father’s birthplace, fine.  If not fine.  It has no bearing on the American people’s ability to eat everyday.

WAKE UP America.  If you don’t stop playing victim and become part of the solution, you deserve to be a resident of a third-world country.