The Poor and the Restless

Occupy AmericaA few years ago I stated to friends and family that if the economic wasteland did not improve there would be protests then riots.

That prediction is starting to shape up despite the vigorous attempts of mainstream power mongers to keep us placid and distracted with scandals and TV.  There is only so much distraction from a rumbling stomach that can be ignored.  Further, with many being homeless and unemployed, there is nothing to stop them from hitchhiking to the power and money capitals to camp out in front of our decision makers so that they have to look the poor in the eye as they make their ruinous policies.

No one begrudges a hard worker their just rewards.  But when the privileged use unfair and immoral practices and pressure on lawmakers to fatten their wallets at the expense of others, there is justified indignation. Level the playing ground, allow families to buy homes, cars and food.  These are not extravagant requests.

But those in power in Corporate America have hit us with a two edged sword; first take away the high paying jobs for just-over-minimum wage jobs, then raise prices for all basic necessities like food, gas, clothing and housing.  This has created an unprecedented amount of working poor and homeless.  Many have jobs but must sleep at relatives, friends or in their cars.  How can this possibly go on?  You made the decisions to ship our jobs overseas.  You made the decisions to “downsize” your workforce.  Now you cry “low profits” as an excuse for not re-hiring people at full-time jobs that pay decently.  I’m sorry that you now only make 100% profits instead of 300%.  You can’t afford your super-yacht anymore, boo-hoo.  Please tell your tale to the families in line at the food bank because you cut off their unemployment check and food stamps while telling them to go find a non-existent job.

I for one, am glad to see the people of America remembering that they are in charge of the politicians.  I am glad to see us standing up once more in peaceful dignity and saying in one voice, “Fix this mess!!”

Keep Occupying.

Occupy Detroit 60 Days
Obama visit
Let’s get this party started