It’s Not About You… It’s The Election Silly

fireplaceSo, under tremendous pressure from their own party members, the House of Representatives graciously decided to grant the payroll tax extension for those in the 99%.  And, incidentally, prevent us from paying $1,000 or more in taxes next year.

This action was taken reluctantly, with Speaker Boehner stating “We have fought the good fight. Why not do the right thing for the American people even though it’s not exactly what we want”.  Now, I don’t know about you, but I didn’t elect anyone to do what they want.  I elected them to work in my best interests.  They work for me (and you).

This doesn’t seem to matter to the egocentric Republicians.  They want only power and more money to the rich. Because we all know, if the rich have lots of money, they quickly spread it around to the middle class.  That’s why they came to our rescue so quickly when families were faced with losing their homes.  The rich banks quickly rewrote loans to meet the reduced incomes of the families.  Now everyone has a roof and food and can pay their bills… Oh wait, that’s not what happened.

So, what prompted the sudden about face?  According to Republican strategist Ford O’Connell, “If they had continued to dig in on this they risked losing the Senate in 2012 and handing President Obama the election without even having a fight”.  Ahhh.

Contrary to Speaker Boehner’s smooth words, this is about tricking the American public prior to the election in hopes that the Republican candidate wins and then they can begin truly trouncing us with back-breaking budgets that favor only the already-wealthy.

Well forewarned is forearmed.  As stated in the Delacration of Independence:
“But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

Remember this moment in history when you go to the polls.  No matter what honeyed words are spouted by the Republican party members, they cannot be trusted.  Vote Independent, Democrat or write in your own candidate.  Just be sure to send the Republican liars a firm message that America is hopeful, not gullible.

Merry Christmas.  Occupy Forever.

Response of the Rich; Not What You’d Expect

lightsabersThe Occupy movement has gained the ear of the intended; the wealthy.  Now, this group is speaking up and out about how they feel on the country’s economic future.  A group calling itself “Patriotic Millionaires For Fiscal Strength” is imploring Washington to give them higher taxes.  That’s right; the rich want to pay more in taxes so the country can begin to get out of it’s economic grave.

Robert Johnson, a member of this group, stated;

“America is no longer based on markets and capitalism, instead our economy is designed as ‘socialism for the rich’ – it is designed to ensure that the wealthiest people take all of the gains, while regular Americans cover any losses,” he said at a press conference this afternoon in Washington, D.C.

“It’s a Las Vegas economy where regular Americans put their money on the table and the richest 1 percent own the house,” he said. “And if the 1 percent happen to lose money, the 99 percent bails them out – covers their losses and then stands by watching while the house does it all over again.”

Even in the face of this plea by the group who stand to gain most, Republican Congresspersons are standing fast to the party line of “reduce taxes on the rich and the country will prosper”.  This is clearly not true and the economic figures do not support this pie-in-the-sky approach to fixing the economy.  Reducing the deficit will take hard-core income, not some translucent idea that some businesses might begin to hire and might start paying a living wage.

Wake up Republicans, taxing the middle class only works while there is a middle class. Creating only bottom-feeder, low-wage, low-skill jobs at the expense of everyone means that eventually, everyone will be at the bottom.

The reality is that the economy works only when the middle-class has disposable income and spends it.  This creates demand, and increases profits for all, not just the rich.  Stop whining and put forth a stable financial plan that takes surplus money from those who can and more importantly, will afford it.  Using these funds responsibly will begin healing a bleeding country.

Copy this post and send it to your representatives today.

Happy Veteran’s Day

American FlagTo everyone, everywhere who served in any branch of the armed forces at any time;


You have made it possible for the Occupy movement to start and flourish, you have made it possible for many of us discarded by large Corporate America to start our own businesses, you have made it possible for those of us forgotten and homeless to have a voice in the political process, you have made it possible for us to freely use the Internet as a communication of our feelings – good or bad.

Your willing service is honored and appreciated not only today, but everyday that we wake up in the land of the free and home of the BRAVE – that’s you.  With loving and sincere appreciation,

The Citizens of America